The Royal Theater
111 S. Market St. Benton, AR 72015 | (501)315-5483
Hours vary
“The singing, acting, choreography, & stage props were exceptional”
“ The halloween haunted house they did was excellent(the price was great to)”
“Great place to enjoy some good family entertainment”
The Royal Theatre is a 501c3 community theatre with an education branch called Young Players. In the years before Covid, we offered a monthly workshop for young people interested in theater arts. We have many family-friendly performances each season. We have been entertaining Benton since 2000 by showcasing our players with extraordinary talents in acting, singing, and dancing!
Royal Players
The Royal Players, Inc. wants to boost the community by offering opportunities for creative activity, artistic expression, and quality entertainment. The Royal operated a movie theater for years, but near in 2000, it became a performing center. We share wonderful musicals and plays year-round with plans of restoring the outside and revitalizing the inside.